View of the south side of the Missouri State Capitol in Jefferson City, Missouri.  This is the third State Capitol building that was constructed in Jefferson City.  The first two were both destroyed by fire.  The current Roman renaissance style structure was completed in 1917. The Missouri Senant occupies the east wing and the Missouri House of Representatives occupies the west wing.  A statue of Thomas Jefferson by James Earle Fraser dominates the stairway to the main entrance.

Credit: ©  Robert J. Guinness 2008

Link:  History of the Missouri State Capitol.


View of the north portico of the Missouri State Capitol in Jefferson City, Missouri.  The building was designed by the New York firm of Tracy & Swartwout who were picked from a competition of 70 firms. There are 134 columns in the building made of Carthage Missouri marble, which is one-fourth of the stone used in the entire structure. The eight columns on the north portico are 40 feet high.

 Credit: ©  Robert J. Guinness 2008

Link:  History of the Missouri State Capitol.



Frieze detail on the north portico of the Missouri State Capitol.  The bond sale for the construction of the Capitol generated an excess of $1 million.  The Missouri Attorney General at the time ruled that the money had to be spent on the building.  The decision was made to use the extra funds to decorate the building.  Today, that investment in art for the Capitol is estimated to be worth over $100 million.

Credit: ©  Robert J. Guinness 2008

Link:  History of the Missouri State Capitol.



                                        © Guinness &, Buehler, LLC 2007, 2008