Robert J. Guinness
Scott D. Buehler


Alternative Dispute Resolution

Civil Litigation
Construction Law

Corporations & Business Transactions

Employment Law
Government Contracts
Municipal Law
Personal Injury Law
Real Estate
Wills, Trusts, & Probate

Workers Compensation Law






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Guinness & Buehler, LLC is legal counsel to a variety of local governments.  Representative clients include:

St. Charles County Convention and Sports Facilities Authority

Lake St. Louis Fire Protection District

Elsberry Fire Protection District

City of Clarksville

City of Elsberry

City of West Alton

Village of Josephville

Village of Chain of Rocks

St. Peters Drainage District

Darst Bottom Levee District

Greens Bottom Levee District

Local governments have special legal needs that often span many different areas of the law.  Municipal law has become highly complex due to the increasing and ever changing federal regulation of political subdivisions, and the interaction between various levels of government and private industry.  Because one of our Municipal attorneys was an elected official himself, Guinness & Buehler has a keen appreciation for the practical issues faced by local governments.

Guinness & Buehler’s municipal experience includes: lease financing, annexations, zoning, open meetings requirements, employee manuals, election contests, municipal court prosecutions, employment issues, TIF, community development, legislation, conduct of public meetings, acquisition of property, construction contracts, drafting ordinances, tax issues, risk management, budgets, bidding, prevailing wage, condemnation, union labor negotiations, ethics commission inquiries, bond issues, and a host of other matters that many public entities face.

Guinness & Buehler believes that local governments provide the blueprints for vibrant communities, and that attorneys have a responsibility to help those communities thrive.  That is why Guinness & Buehler's attorneys are active in the political, charitable, and social life of the communities that they serve.  That is also why we take special pride in our municipal law work.

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© Guinness & Buehler, LLC 2006